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    Fee guide

    * In case of mutual correspondent accounts with banks of the Republic of Belarus, correspondent account agreements may stipulate offsetting of debts for identical operations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    The fee is charged in the currency of an account  (currency of operation) in Belarusian rubles or in other foreign currency according to the rate (cross-rate) of the NBRB on the fee collection date.                                                                                    

    In case when it is impossible to collect a fee, a payment order for the transfer shall be returned to a correspondent bank without execution.

    Fee for servicing correspondent banks on documentary operations is charged in accordance with Chapter II of the Fee Guide "Services to corporate customers and individual entrepreneurs ".
    No. Operation Fee rate Payment due date
    1. Correspondent accounts servicing1
    1.1. User fee for servicing the "Loro" account 25 USD The last business day of the month
    1.2. Issuance of account statements and credit letters of advice:    
    1.2.1. For each message if the source document was received for the preparation of the letter of advice: • in electronic form 1 USD On the day of sending the message, but no later than the last working day of the month, unless this contradicts the terms of the contract • in hard copy 7 USD 
    1.2.2. Upon repeat request of the correspondent bank (per each document)  5 USD On the day of sending the message, but no later than the last working day of the month, unless this contradicts the terms of the contract
    1.3. Fee for placing funds on the account in Euro 1,2% per annum of the amount of the balance at the end of each business day exceeding  €100 000 ² The first business day of the month following the reporting month
    Notes to Section 1: 
    1.  The user fee for servicing a "Loro" account (Clause 1.1.) includes a fee for issuing account statements and credit letters of advice on the account per each operation (Art.1.2.1) and is charged on a monthly basis on the last working day of the month separately for each personal account. It is allowed to collect one fee for all personal accounts from one correspondent account of a correspondent bank. The Fee under the correspondent account in foreign currency under Clause 1.1. is charged  in in the presence and in the absence of operations under the account.                                                                                                                                                                       
     If no operations  have been performed on a correspondent account in Belarusian rubles, the user fee shall not be charged. 
    Payment of the user fee is stipulated by the correspondent account agreement, otherwise the fee is collected in accordance with Clause 1.2.  
    2. The calculation of the fee is made on the basis of 365 (366) days of the year for each calendar day based on the rate and the balance of funds on the correspondent account in euros at the end of the business day, taking into account the amounts of funds received for crediting to the correspondent account in euros after the time specified in the correspondent account agreement, and credited to the account on the next banking day (with the value date - the previous banking day). The fee is charged monthly.

    The fee does not apply to resident banks which have correspondent accounts in the name of JSC "Belagroprombank" and do not apply a similar fee to JSC "Belagroprombank". 
    2. Bank transfers
    2.1. Interbank transfers in foreign currency 
    (payment order МТ2ХХ)¹:
    2.1.1. For crediting accounts of correspondent banks with JSC Belagroprombank  2 USD At the moment of the operation
    2.1.2. For crediting accounts with other banks of the Republic of Belarus 10 USD
    2.2. Client transfers in foreign currency (a beneficiary is a client of the resident bank of the Republic of Belarus or a non-resident bank, payment orders format MT1XX)¹: 
    2.2.1. For crediting beneficiary accounts with JSC Belagroprombank and through Loro correspondent accounts opened on the balance sheet of JSC Belagroprombank  1 USD  At the moment of the operation
    2.2.2. For crediting beneficiary accounts with other banks of the Republic of Belarus through Nostro correspondent accounts opened with resident banks  10 USD
    2.2.3. For crediting beneficiary accounts with non-resident banks through Nostro correspondent accounts opened with foreign banks 20 USD
    2.3. Transfer in Belarusian rubles (payment orders МT 1XX, MT 2XX) 1,00 BYN At the moment of the operation
    2.4. Change of details, cancellation of payment order in foreign currency  20 USD + fee of the correspondent bank The day the message was sent/the day the fee is charged
    2.5. Refund of funds in foreign currency to senders (erroneously crediting to the correspondent accounts of JSC Belagroprombank,  impossibility of crediting) 2 20 USD The day the message was sent
    2.6. Transfer of funds credited to the Nostro accounts of JSC Belagroprombank in favour of  correspondent banks and/or clients of the correspondent banks  (including transfer of funds to the client at his new address )² 10 USD  At the moment of the operation
    2.7. Change of details, cancellation of payment order in Belarusian rubles  7,00 BYN The day the message was sent
    Notes to Section 2: 
    1 According to clauses 2.1, 2.2, fees of other banks are additionally paid upon the fact of their requests to JSC "Belagroprombank" (except for transfers in Russian rubles)
    2   The fee specified in Clauses 2.5. and 2.6. will be decocted from the transfer amount. No fee is charged if it is equal to or greater than the transfer amount.
    3. Other operations 1
    3.1. Execution of the correspondent bank's request  for verification and validation of the testing keys  20 USD Upon the provision of the  service
    3.2. Reporting for audit (on request of the correspondent bank or the audit company)6 85 USD (VAT incl.)  Before the provision of the service
    3.3. EXCLUDED    
    3.4. Providing banks with account statements and a debit/credit letter of advice  for other accounts (except correspondent accounts) on the condition that the service is included in the agreement:           
    3.4.1. According to executed operations (per each message) on the condition that source documents were received for the preparation of the letter of advice: • In electronic form 1 USD  On the day of sending the message, but no later than the last working day of the month, unless this contradicts the terms of the contract • In hard copy  7 USD 
    3.4.2. At the request of a correspondent bank (per each document) 3 USD On the day of sending the message, but no later than the last working day of the month, unless this contradicts the terms of the contract
    3.5. Interbank transfers in foreign currency (payment orders МТ2ХХ) on accounts (except correspondent accounts)  10 USD At the moment of the operation
    3.6. Execution of a correspondent bank's request  (reporting on the date of crediting the receiver's account) 20 USD The day the message was sent
    Notes to Section 3: 
    1.   The fee as per Clauses 3.1., 3.2., 3.4., 3.5. shall be paid by:                                                                                                                                                                                    - by resident banks of the Republic of Belarus in Belarusian rubles at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of payment;                       - by non-resident banks in foreign currency.                 
    2. The fee in accordance with Clause 3.2.is not charged for reporting on account balances for audit purposes upon the request of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

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