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    Currency Converter

    Cash exchange rates are used for calculation

    Exchange rates:
    Best courses in
    23.10.2024 Bank buys Bank sells
    1 USD 3.2700 3.2990
    1 EUR 3.5500 3.5790
    100 RUB 3.3950 3.4300
    10 CNY 4.6400 4.7800
    23.10.2024 Bank buys Bank sells
    1 USD 3.2610 3.3090
    1 EUR 3.5360 3.5860
    100 RUB 3.3660 3.4370
    10 CNY 4.6290 4.7730
    23.10.2024 Rate
    1 USD 3.2932
    1 EUR 3.5618
    100 RUB 3.4252
    10 CNY 4.6466
    Currency exchange operations on an individual course
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    Card to card transfers

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    Money transfers

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