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    Internet-Banking 136 call your bank
    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    JSC Belagroprombank, being a professional participant in the securities market and a member of the stock market section, provides brokerage (intermediary) services for the purchase and sale of securities in the trading system of the JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange". Operations for the purchase and sale of foreign currency within the framework of brokerage services are not carried out.

    In addition, we would like to inform you that the Management Board of the JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange" decided to suspend the admission of individuals to carry out currency exchange transactions in the trading system of the exchange from March 14, 2022.


    Terms and conditions of service

    To carry out a transaction for the purchase/sale of securities, an individual must:


    Conditions and procedure for the provision of consulting services on:

    • the procedure for placement, circulation and redemption of securities on the organized and unorganized markets;
    • procedure for making transactions with securities;
    • formation of an investment portfolio;
    • fundamental analysis of securities.

    To receive a consultation, an individual must:

    For more detailed information on the issues of securities purchase and sale transactions at the stock exchange, please call +375 (44) 715 33 25. Opening hours: Mon-Thu: 8:30-17:00,

    Fri: 8:30-15:45, lunchtime: 12:30-13:15.

    Helpful information

    Income tax for individuals when selling shares on the stock exchange

    Useful links for investors:

    Unified financial market portal (issuer reporting)

    Website of JSC "Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange"

    Indicative applications in BEKAS

    Issuers directory

    Directory of depositories

    Website of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus

    Ministry of Finance Bond Calculator 

    In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Instruction on the requirements for the conditions and procedure for carrying out professional activities with securities, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus dated 31.08.2016 No. 76 “On Regulation of the Securities Market”, we disclose a local legal act governing the conditions and procedure for performing work and providing services by a broker.

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    Cookies are used to collect information to improve the performance of the site. You can accept or refuse cookies or customize them. By clicking “Accept all”, you consent to the processing of cookies in accordance with the Policy regarding the processing of cookies at JSC Belagroprombank.
