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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00
    Exchange rates for 07.11.2024
    Name of foreign currency Number of foreign currency units, currency code Official rate
    U.S. dollar
    1 USD 3.3324
    1 EUR 3.6299
    Russian ruble
    100 RUB 3.4152
    10 PLN 8.3239
    100 UAH 8.0349
    Pound sterling
    1 GBP 4.3267
    Czech crown
    100 CZK 14.3292
    Canadian dollars
    1 CAD 2.4003
    Swiss frank
    1 CHF 3.8661
    Chinese yuan
    10 CNY 4.7308
    Swedish krona
    10 SEK 3.1172
    New Zealand Dollar
    1 NZD 1.9991
    1000 KZT 6.8078
    Turkish Lira
    10 TRY 0.9701
    100 KGS 3.8839
    Singapore Dollar
    1 SGD 2.5294
    Moldovan Leu
    10 MDL 1.8656
    Kuwaiti Dinar
    1 KWD 10.8760
    Iceland Krona
    100 ISK 2.4377
    Iranian Rial
    100000 IRR 7.9145
    100 JPY 2.1897
    SDR (Special Drawing Right)
    1 XDR 4.4479
    Danish Krone
    10 DKK 4.8666
    Bulgarian Lev
    1 BGN 1.8559
    Australian Dollar
    1 AUD 2.2055
    Norwegian Krone
    10 NOK 3.0388
    Brazilian Real
    10 BRL 5.7534
    UAE Dirham
    10 AED 9.0727
    100000 VND 13.1482
    Indian Rupee
    100 INR 3.9618
    Armenian Dram
    1000 AMD 8.6089

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