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    IMA is an impersonal metal account designed to account for gold and silver in the form of bank bars without indicating their individual characteristics.


    Type of precious metal (PM) IMA: gold, silver.

    Currency of payment: Belarusian rubles.

    The minimum amount of PM purchase by individuals from the Bank for subsequent enrollment in IMA:

    Name of the precious metal Weight (grams)
    Initial transaction Subsequent transactions
    gold 5 1
    silver 300 50

    The minimum amount of PM sale by individuals to the Bank, with subsequent write-off of PM from IMA, is:

    for gold - 1 (one) gram;

    for silver - 50 (Fifty) grams.

    Interest on PM balances on IMA is not charged.

    The following operations are carried out under the IMA:

    •  crediting of PM to IMA as a result of the purchase by the client of PM from the Bank for Belarusian rubles at the sale price of PM set by the Bank;
    •  write-off of PM from IMA as a result of the sale by the client of PM to the Bank for Belarusian rubles at the purchase price of PM set by the Bank.

    IMA is opened for a period on demand, separately for each item of PM, accounted for in grams. 

    Precious metal (PM) purchase (sale) operations by the client are carried out at the PM purchase (sale) price set by the Bank and valid at the time of the transaction.

    Operations with IMA are carried out in the Central Client Office and Regional Directorates of JSC Belagroprombank.

    Public offer (offer) for the conclusion of an agreement on an impersonal metal account of an individual.

    Prices for precious

    metals on operations with impersonal

    metal accounts of individuals

    from 18:00 p.m. 16 October 2024 г.

    Name of the precious metal Weight (grams) Purchase price, Belarusian rubles Sale price, Belarusian rubles
    gold 1.0 265,02 296,04
    silver 1.0 3,104 3,619


    Archive of depersonalized metal account agreements

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