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    Actual and required special provisions to cover potential losses on assets and operations not reflected in the balance sheet as of 01.07.2024, BYN thousand:

    Actual provisions Required provisions
    1 123 188.5 1 123 188.5

    Report on the implementation of the standards for the safe functioning of JSC Belagroprombank

     Index The fact of JSC Belagroprombank as of 01.07.2024 The amount of the standard established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
    - Total value of large credit risks, coefficient (min-max value in June 2024) 1.4 - 1.5 The total amount of large credit risks cannot exceed six times the size of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.
    - The total amount of credit risks for insiders-legal entities (individuals who are individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders-individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, % (min - max value in June 2024) 16.0 - 26.0 The total amount of credit risks on insiders - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders - individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, cannot exceed 50 percent of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.

    Actual and required special provisions to cover potential losses on assets and operations not reflected in the balance sheet as of 01.06.2024, BYN thousand:


    Figures Ratio As of 01.07.2024
    Legal capital, mln roubles (mln BYN)
     Minimum 60.0 2719.8
    Capital adequacy, %  10% (12.5%)  15.646
    Common Equity Tier I ratio (CET 1), %
     4.5% (8.5%) 11.847
    Tier I  Adequacy, % 8.5% 12.270


    The Bank’s compliance with liquidity standards set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus:

    Ratio name Minimum valuein June Maximum value in June
    Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) (at least 100%), %                Resolution of the Board of the National Bank No. 440 dated December 12, 2023 granted the right not to post on its websites on the global computer network Internet the values ​​of indicators characterizing the implementation of liquidity standards (minimum and maximum values ​​of indicators for the month).
    Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) (at least 100%), %


    Actual provisions Required provisions
    1 103 660.1 1 103 660.1

    Report on the implementation of the standards for the safe functioning of JSC Belagroprombank

     Index The fact of JSC Belagroprombank as of 01.05.2024 The amount of the standard established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
    - Total value of large credit risks, coefficient (min-max value in April 2024) 1.5-1.8 The total amount of large credit risks cannot exceed six times the size of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.
    - The total amount of credit risks for insiders-legal entities (individuals who are individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders-individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, % (min - max value in February 2024) 15.5 - 16.2 The total amount of credit risks on insiders - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders - individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, cannot exceed 50 percent of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.

    Report on the implementation of the standards for the safe functioning of JSC Belagroprombank

     Index The fact of JSC Belagroprombank as of 01.04.2024 The amount of the standard established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
    - Total value of large credit risks, coefficient (min-max value in March 2024) 1.5-1.9 The total amount of large credit risks cannot exceed six times the size of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.
    - The total amount of credit risks for insiders-legal entities (individuals who are individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders-individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, % (min - max value in February 2024) 14.7 - 15.4 The total amount of credit risks on insiders - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders - individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, cannot exceed 50 percent of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.


    Actual and required special provisions to cover potential losses on assets and operations not reflected in the balance sheet as of 01.05.2024, BYN thousand:

    Actual provisions Required provisions
    1 101 431.5 1 101 431.5

    Actual and required special provisions to cover potential losses on assets and operations not reflected in the balance sheet as of 01.04.2024, BYN thousand:

    Actual provisions Required provisions
    1 023 454,7 1 023 454,7


    Actual and required special provisions to cover potential losses on assets and operations not reflected in the balance sheet as of 01.03.2024, BYN thousand:

    Actual provisions Required provisions
    1 087 269,6 1 087 269,6

    Report on the implementation of the standards for the safe functioning of JSC Belagroprombank

     Index The fact of JSC Belagroprombank as of 01.03.2024 The amount of the standard established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus
    - Total value of large credit risks, coefficient (min-max value in February 2024) 1.8 - 2.0 The total amount of large credit risks cannot exceed six times the size of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.
    - The total amount of credit risks for insiders-legal entities (individuals who are individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders-individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, % (min - max value in February 2024) 14.6 - 15.2
    The total amount of credit risks on insiders - legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) and related persons and insiders - individuals (except for individual entrepreneurs) and related legal entities and (or) individuals who are individual entrepreneurs, cannot exceed 50 percent of the regulatory capital of a bank, of a non-bank financial institution.



    Standard value

    Fact for JSC "Belagroprombank"
    (as of the reporting date 01.04.2024)

    Standard for the total value of major risks, coefficient (accurate to 0.1)
    Not more than six times the size of the holding's regulatory capital.
    The standard for the total amount of risks to insiders-legal entities and related individuals and insiders-individuals and related legal entities, % Not more than 50 percent of the holding's regulatory capital 13.40



    Standard value

    Fact for JSC "Belagroprombank"
    (as of the reporting date 01.01.2024)

    Standard for the total value of major risks, coefficient (accurate to 0.1)
    Not more than six times the size of the holding's regulatory capital.
    The standard for the total amount of risks to insiders-legal entities and related individuals and insiders-individuals and related legal entities, % Not more than 50 percent of the holding's regulatory capital 12.19




    Standard value

    Fact for JSC "Belagroprombank"
    (as of the reporting date 01.10.2023)

    Standard for the total value of major risks, coefficient (accurate to 0.1)
    Not more than six times the size of the holding's regulatory capital.
    The standard for the total amount of risks to insiders-legal entities and related individuals and insiders-individuals and related legal entities, % Not more than 50 percent of the holding's regulatory capital 11.09

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