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    Internet-Banking 136 call your bank
    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    JSC Belagroprombank provides services for the information disclosure by posting it on Unified Financial Market Portal within the framework of the concluded services agreement for posting information on a unified financial market portal in accordance with the law.

    To enter into a services agreement for posting information on Unified Financial Market Portal, an individual must:

    • contact the regional directorate, the banking services center or the Securities Department of JSC Belagroprombank;
    • present an identification document (passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, residence permit in the Republic of Belarus, refugee certificate or other document in accordance with the law).

    The fee for bank services is set in the amount determined by the clause 15.4.2. chapter III Fee Guide for operations carried out by JSC Belagroprombank.

    For more information please contact at 8 (017) 229 63 24, 229 64 50, as well as at the location of the bank’s regional directorates, banking services center.


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