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    Terms and conditions of the extension of deposits placed before 1 April 2016


    Dear customers, 

    Due to restructuring of the bank’s product line, from 1 April 2016 new terms andconditions will apply to the extended term deposits placed before 1 April 2016:

    - Should the depositor fail to demand the deposit amount upon maturity of the deposit “Start2.0”, the amount of the deposit including interest accrued is transferred, under the terms andconditions of the agreement, to the term deposit account “Savings System Line of Growth 2.0”with tenure 371 calendar days, with the following interests rates: 0,5 % p.a. in Belarusian rubles,0,1% p.a. in US dollars, Euro and Russian rubles.

    - In case of an automatic extension of the term of the deposit “Savings System Line of Growth2.0” the following interest rates shall apply from the moment of extension: 0,5 % p.a. fordeposits in Belarusian rubles, 0,1% p.a. for deposits in US dollars, Euro and Russian rubles. Theupdated Table of Interest Rates applicable to deposits “Savings System Line of Growth 2.0” isavailable here;

    - In case of an automatic extension of the term of the deposit “Big Money 2.0”, the interest rateof 0,5 % p.a. shall be effective from the moment of extension.

    - In case of an automatic extension of the term deposit with a variable interest rate under theterms and conditions approved by the decision of Credit Committee of JSC Belagroprombankdd. 16.02.2006, Minutes No 21 (Line of Growth deposits placed before 1 September 2013), thefollowing interest rates shall apply from the moment of extension: 0,5 % p.a. for deposits inBelarusian rubles, 0,1% p.a. in US dollars, Euro and Russian rubles. The updated Table ofInterest Rates applicable to term deposits with JSC Belagroprombank is available here.For more information on the terms and conditions for deposits for individuals please visit yourlocal bank office or go to the bank’s website to Individual Customers section.

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