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    Republican competition of JSC Belagroprombank "Best farmstead of the year 2015"


    JSC Belagroprombank jointly with the Belarusian Association “Country Escape” and Sports and Tourism Ministry of the Republic of Belarus announce about the beginning of the republican Competition of JSC Belagroprombank “Best Farmstead of the Year 2015” (hereinafter – Competition).

    Agroecotourism entities may take part in the Competition. They should have applied to the Head office of JSC Belagroprombank (hereinafter – Bank) no later than 01.09.2016.

    The republican Competition is held on the basis of entities’ operating results for the year 2015 in the following nominations:

    1. “Start-up of the year”;
    2. “Ethnocomplex”;
    3. “Belarusian national cuisine”;
    4. “Ecofarmstead of the year”;
    5. “Style and harmony”;
    6. “Revival of national traditions”;
    7. “Sports and tourism”;
    8. “Promotion of bank innovations in agroecotourism”.

    Applicants should send the following data at the following e-mail address competition_farmstead@tut.by in order to compete for the title “Best Farmstead of the Year 2015”:

    – an application form of the participant of the republican Competition (attached);

    – a document confirming the payment of the fee for carrying out activities in the sphere of agroecotourism, or a copy thereof;

    – documents confirming quantitative performance indicators in the field of agroecotourism (the information under the set form on services contracts concluded in the reporting year in the field of agroecotourism, with tax authority mark), or copies thereof.

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