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    JSC Belagroprombank to hold the 2nd International Specialized Conference “Agroecotourism: current situation and perspectives”


    With a view to promote the rural tourism sector in the Republic of Belarus JSC Belagroprombank will hold the 2nd International Specialized Conference “Agroecotourism: current situation and prospects”, providing the opportunities for experience exchange between the experts in rural tourism, including foreign experts form Israel, Germany, Lithuania and Russia.

    The event will be attended by the representatives of government bodies, foreign embassies, experts in agroecotourism, Belarusian and foreign public associations, as well as farmsteads owners who implement projects in agroecotourism sector in Belarus and abroad.

    The conference will entail:

    •  speakers’ reports;
    •  presentation of the new edition of the Catalogue of Farmsteads of Belarus”;
    •  presentation of the electronic version of the Catalogue of Farmsteads of Belarus;
    •  awards ceremony of the “Best Farmstead of the Year “ contest.



    International Specialized Conference

    “Agroecotourism– current situation and development outlook”

    (date and venue: April 15, 2011, Minsk, Business centre Victoria)


    Registration of participants


    Roumas Sergei – Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

    Welcome speech


    Tozik Anatoli – Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

    Welcome speech

    Section 1. The transition from quantity to quality


    Shulga Cheslav– Vice Minister of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus

    Agroecotourism in the tourism sector of Belarus, major tendencies and plans for development  



    Klitsunova Valeria – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; associate professor of the International Tourism Department of the Faculty of International Relations at Belarusian State University; Chairman of the Belarusian Public Association “Country Escape”

    Agroecotourism in Belarus - current situation and development outlook: world’s best practice on the Belarusian land


    Konchits Svetlana – Head of Corporate Business of JSC Belagroprombank

    New approaches towards the implementation of the program of agroecotourism crediting


    Chuhai Sergei – Deputy Chairman of JSC Belagroprombank

    Presentation of the electronic catalogue of agroecotourism


    Klitsunova V., Konchits S.

    Participants – Belarusian experts in rural tourism

    Discussion, questions and answers


    Coffee break


    Stashkevich Alla– Head of the department of scientific-methodological support to the protection of the cultural and historic  heritage of the Belarusian Institute of Culture

    Immaterial spiritual heritage of Belarus: potential for Belarus.



    Novogrodsky Tadeush – Candidate of History; Head of the Ethnology Department, History Faculty at Belarusian State University

    Culinary heritage of Belarus as an element of the agroecotourism product


    Salkovskaya Svetlana– owner of the farmstead “Nad Nemanam”

    Beauty created by ourselves


    Los Ales – farmstead-museum “Borok” (artist, musician, composer)

    Belarusian musical heritage as a key motif of a farmstead 


    Tumel Natalia – director of rural tourism complex Karobchitsy in Grodno

    Organizing unique leisure experience


    Klitsunova V., Konchits S., Karmazin V.

    Participants – Belarusian experts in rural tourism

    Discussion, questions and answers



    Section 2. Peculiarities of agroecotourism development in foreign countries


    Zabaliunas Linas – Head of Countryside Tourism Association of Lithuania

    Prospects for cooperation between Lithuania and Belarus in the agroecotourism sector


    Ronen Tuchfeld– Marketing manager of the Association of Rural Tourism of Israel

    Creation of unique tourist products based on agricultural production


    Matthias Baerens– Chairman of the European Centre for Eco Agro Tourism (ECEAT - Germany)

    National traditions in agrotourism in Germany


    Shchigreva Svetlana–deputy director of environmental awareness of the Altai Biosphere reserve (Russian Federation)

    Experience and prospects for the ecological tourism in the Altai Biosphere reserve. The role of rural green tourism in the sustainable development of the adjacent territory.


    Klitsunova V, Konchits S.

    Participants – Belarusian and foreign exerts in rural tourism



    Coffee break

    Section 3. Awards ceremony of the “Best Farmstead 2010” contest


    Podkovyrov Vladimir – acting Chairman of JSC Belagroprombank

    Shulga Cheslav – Vice Minister of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus

    Representatives of general partners of the contest


    Podkovyrov Vladimir – acting Chairman of JSC Belagroprombank


    Closing remarks

    This program may be subject to changes. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

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