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    JSC Belagroprombank has received a Gratitude Award from Tieto international company


    During the international conference in Tashkent Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC Belagroprombank Vitali Kruk has received a Gratitude Award from the largest IT-company in Northern Europe Tieto.

    Receiving such an Award confirms the reputation of JSC Belagroprombank as a reliable partner and proves the high quality of services in the area of the development of bank payment cards, — noted Vitali Kruk during the festive awarding ceremony.

    The key aspects of the development of services provided to the cardholders of JSC Belagroprombank are the activities aimed at popularization of cashless settlements, and realization of software and technological solutions in accordance with the security requirements for international payment systems and organizations. In the development of the card line the focus is made on the provision of opportunities for making online payments over the Internet with minimum of risk for such transactions. Besides modern technologies, one more competitive advantage of JSC Belagroprombank in comparison to other market’s participants is its wide network of branches and a flexible fee policy.

    For reference only: Tieto is the largest IT-company in Northern Europe that provides the whole range of IT-services. The headquarters is located in Helsinki (Finland). Over 13 000 employees work for Tieto in more than 20 countries all over the world. One of the main areas of business presented by Tieto in the international market is the Solution for processing of bank cards Tieto Card Suite that allows to perform the whole range of tasks connected with issuance and maintenance of bank payment cards, management of terminals, fraud prevention and resolution of disputes.

    JSC Belagroprombank is a universal commercial bank with a wide regional network. The Bank offers comprehensible, high-quality and efficient provision of banking products and services. The main strategic goals of the Bank: strengthening its position in the financial services market of the Republic of Belarus, increasing the operational effectiveness of the Bank's activities and ensuring its sustainable and liquid functioning by reducing the existing imbalances generated by transactions while funding of state programs.

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