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    Belagroprombank repaid European Syndicated Facility


    On November 21, 2016 Belagroprombank effected the repayment of its 10th milestone syndicated facility which was raised on June 1, 2016. The repayment was made in full and strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the facility agreement.

    Since 2008 this is the first European syndication implemented in the Republic of Belarus. The transaction is truly outstanding, as the participants of the deal are exclusively originally European banks. The wide geographical structure of the transaction was formed by leading financial institutions from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary and Albania. The transaction was self-arranged by Belagroprombank, supported by AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft mbH (Germany) in its capacity as documentation and facility agent.

    Since 2008 Belagroprombank is the first among the Belarusian banks to arrange and implement a deal raising a syndicated facility from a pool of lenders – exclusively European banks. We look forward to further strengthening of the European vector of our international business. The implementation of such projects is possible only if the bank has an impeccable reputation among partners as well as the strict payment discipline. Belagroprombank is a reliable and responsible partner and borrower, as evidenced by the successful implementation of the transactions complicated in structure and geography on the public market, – the bank’s press-service comments.

    Belagroprombank expresses gratitude to all Bank’s partners for their participation in this deal and looks forward to the joint implementation of other significant projects in future.

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