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“Be seen in the dark” – a joint campaign by Belagroprombank and State Road Transport Inspectorate has come to an end


About 4 thousand first-grade pupils fr om 39 schools and other specialized educational establishments of Moskovsky District of Minsk received fluorescents from Belagroprombank and the State Road Transport Inspectorate. The solemn ceremony dedicated to the final of the joint campaign “Be seen in the dark” took place in the event hall of the special needs school No.11.

The costumed character Agrik evoked positive emotions in the school children. All kids wanted to have a photo taken with Agrik as a memento

According to the statistics from State Road Transport Inspectorate, the second half of autumn sees an increased number of road traffic accidents involving pedestrians. This is mainly due to unfavorable weather conditions, when drivers often cannot see people on the roadway. The high-risk group includes primary school children.

Belagroprombank could not remain indifferent to this problem, therefore we took a decision to hold a campaign “Be seen in the dark” jointly with State Road Transport Inspectorate, — said Deputy Head of marketing and Public Relations – head of public relations of JSC Belagroprombank Yury Karpitsky.

The schoolchildren not only received fluorescents featuring the image of the fairy-tale character Agrik, but they were also given a financial literacy lesson and were shown a musical performance.

Chief specialist of retail services division of the Operations Department Elena Klibasheva with Agrik taught a financial literacy lesson for the children

As a school for kids with special needs, one of our primary tasks is to keep our pupils safe and healthy, – said the director of the special needs school No.11 of Minsk Vladimir Rusetsky. Thanks to the joint actions of educational institutions, families and public organizations this task is being successfully accomplished. I can say with full confidence that for the last 15 years we have had no road traffic accidents and no recorded traffic rules violations involving our pupils.

During the financial literacy lesson, the children watched a video telling about the origin of money and the types of money in the modern society 

Young road traffic inspectors and Agrik, with the help of riddles and rebuses, explained to the children how to behave on the roads

In Belarus the number of vehicles is increasing day by day, followed by the growing need in the promotion of road traffic rules knowledge among children and adults, – says deputy head of the State Road Transport Inspectorate of Moskovsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk, police major Valery Mosenza. – Therefore, such campaigns are of big importance to our society: they provide safety to everyone involved in the road traffic and improve accident record on the roads of the city. We are pleased that the importance of this problem is understood by commercial organizations, among which Belagroprombank. Thank you for participation and cooperation.

Deputy Head of the State Road Transport Inspectorate of Moskovsky Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk, police major Valery Mosenza

Young performer Polina Gahovich from the secondary school No.9, wh ere the campaign “Be seen in the dark” was launched two weeks ago, sang a beautiful song for the children

JSC Belagroprombank would like to thank the State Road Transport Inspectorate and the Department of Education, Sport and Tourism of Moscovsky district of Minsk for big support during the campaign “Be seen in the dark”. We thank everyone for participation and urge everyone to be careful on the roads.

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