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    Voluntary combined home insurance

    Belagroprombank JSC, within the framework of cooperation with Asoba JLLC, enters into insurance contracts under the terms of Regulation No. 39 “Voluntary combined housing insurance” on the following conditions:

    - the insurance period – 1 year,

    - the insurance amount – any amount not exceeding the actual value of the property at its location on the day of conclusion of the insurance contract (without inspection of the property accepted for insurance),

    - the insurance premium – 0.4% of the insured amount,

    The insured events are:

    • loss (destruction) or damage to the insured property as a result of natural disasters, accidents, illegal actions of third parties;
    • the fact that the Insuring (Responsible) party has caused damage to the property of other persons (injured parties) through action or inaction during the use of the insured building (apartment), household property due to the occurrence of an accident;
    • the fact that the Insuring (Responsible) party has incurred court fees as a result of conducting cases to consider disputes of the Insuring (Responsible) party in the judicial authorities in connection with damage to the property of the injured party.

    To conclude insurance contracts, you must present an identity document.

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