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    Working hours of the Contact Center
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                                           8:00 - 20:00

    Work with appeals of citizens and legal entities

    You can get answers to questions as part of information interaction between the bank and customers on banking products and services by contacting the  Bank's Call Center at 136 or the following numbers :  +375 (17) 218 57 77+375 (29) 198 57 77 (А1); +375 (29) 888 57 77 (МТС); +375 (25) 999 57 77 (Life :).

    Legal entities and individuals of the Republic of Belarus have the right to contact the organization by way of filing:

    • written
    • electronic
    • verbal appeals (personal visits)
    • by leaving a comment or suggestion in the book of comments and suggestions (individuals only)
    The procedure for consideration of appeals of individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as appeals) in the bank is carried out in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dd. 18 July 2011 No.300-З “On appeals of individuals and legal persons” (hereinafter referred to as Law № 300-З). more details
    Requirements for appeals, including electronic appeals more details


    Please note that, in accordance with Law No. 300-З, appeals will be reviewed within a period of no more than 15 days, and appeals requiring additional study and verification within a period no longer than one month. 

    The applicant has the right to withdraw his appeal before considering it on the merits by submitting a corresponding written appeal. The withdrawal of an electronic appeal is carried out by submitting a written application or sending an appeal in electronic form in the same way as the electronic appeal was sent. 

    Open door schedule - top management, regional directorates and their structural subdivisions

    Head Office of the Bank
    ФИО, должность руководителя День, время и место проведения личного приема Номер телефона для предварительной записи на личный прием
    ЛЫСЮК Анатолий Анатольевич, Председатель Правления второй вторник месяца с 14:00 до 16:00 г. Минск, пр-т Жукова, 3 (17) 218 56 03
    Regional Directorate for Brest region
    Regional Directorate for Vitebsk region
    Regional Directorate for Gomel region
    Regional Directorate for Grodno region
    Regional Directorate for Minsk region
    Regional Directorate for Mogilev region
    Regional Directorate for Minsk city

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