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    Belagroprombank's employees have joined the football training session under the social project “The Dream Team”


    Belagroprombank’s employees together with the information portal tut.by have organized a football opening training session under the social project “The Dream Team” that aims at helping orphans find male friends, who will become their role model and help them with goal orientation in life.

    Five players of Belagroprombank’s mini-football team joined the football field to play football with the boys from local orphanages. The largest Belarusian information portal was represented by 6 employees. By the way, JSC Belagroprombank and the portal tut.by are the general partner and the general information partner of the social project “The Dream Team” accordingly.

    The training session for the children and adults was organized by Vladimir Lukyanenko, the coach of the junior team of FC “Dinamo-Minsk”. After the warming up the children, aged 11-13 entered the field accompanied by the players of Belagroprombank’s mini-football team and the information portal tut.by. After the friendship match one more game started with participation of the older age group from 13 to 16 years old. There were several friendly matches which ended in firm handshaking.

    “Football is cool! And if it is a game with children, it is more than cool! The players of our bank’s team endorsed the idea to play football with the children from orphanages with pleasure”, – noticed the Deputy Head of Collection and Storage Department of Cash Collection Center, the captain of Belagroprombank’s football team Alexander Kachurovskiy.

    Everybody can become а mentor for the children from orphanages: the training sessions will be organized until May, 13 in Minsk. In order to take part in the training session you should send an application.

    Your participation may alter someone’s destiny!

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