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On the over-the-counter foreign exchange market, JSC Belagroprombank conducts the following foreign exchange operations with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

  • purchase of foreign currency for Belarusian rubles;
  • sale of foreign currency for Belarusian rubles;
  • conversion (exchange) of one type of foreign currency to another type of foreign currency

Currency exchange operations in the over-the-counter foreign exchange market are carried out on the basis of an application for the purchase, sale, conversion (exchange) of non-cash foreign currency or a payment order for a transfer with the purchase, sale, conversion (exchange) of non-cash foreign currency, provided to the bank.

When carrying out currency exchange operations of JSC Belagroprombank with legal entities in the over-the-counter currency market, the exchange rate is set by the participants of currency exchange operations.

In order to quickly determine exchange rates, JSC Belagroprombank offers legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to take advantage of the bank's trading platforms.

Trading platforms, including those from the Internet Client subsystem, access to which is provided by JSC Belagroprombank, allow the client to receive information on - line about the rates set by the bank for conducting foreign exchange transactions with non-cash foreign currency on the over-the-counter foreign exchange market of the Republic of Belarus, as well as for approval of the terms of foreign exchange transactions (exchange rate, amount, value date).
For more detailed information on obtaining access to the bank's trading platforms, please contact JSC Belagroprombank.

Forward transactions

Forward transactions are an effective and least expensive tool for legal entities to reduce currency risks. Through these operations, a legal entity gets the opportunity to fix the rate of the upcoming transaction for the purchase, sale, conversion (exchange) of non-cash foreign currency, thereby eliminating the possibility of losses due to its unfavorable change and creating conditions for accurate planning of its financial flows.

To conclude a forward transaction, a legal entity needs to apply to a division of JSC Belagroprombank, conclude a separate agreement and agree on the terms of the transaction.

Registration of applications for foreign exchange transactions and settlements with the bank are carried out by a legal entity within the time limits stipulated by the terms of the transaction.

SWAP transactions

SWAP transactions are an effective tool for cash flow management, short-term financing and risk hedging.

Despite the fact that in form a currency swap is a currency exchange operation, in terms of its economic content it refers to operations in the credit and deposit market and resembles repo transactions. Thus, if there is free liquidity in any currency, a client (legal entity) can use swap transactions to obtain short-term financing in any other currency, providing the bank with the currency it has "as collateral". Compared to credit transactions, the conclusion of a swap transaction is faster and easier for the parties to the transaction.

In combination with other instruments, swap transactions allow a legal entity to better manage finances and significantly expand the business planning process.

To conclude a SWAP transaction, it is necessary to apply to a division of JSC Belagroprombank, conclude a separate agreement and agree on the terms of the transaction.


Registration of applications for foreign exchange transactions and settlements with the bank are carried out by a business entity within the time limits stipulated by the terms of the transaction

The bank's modern means of telecommunications, extensive experience in the foreign exchange market, and the high professionalism of the bank's dealers make it possible to set current quotations of exchange rates at a level as close as possible to the conditions of the international market.

For transactions carried out on the over-the-counter market, no fee is charged, except in cases established by law.

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